Karen Kitsis, Deputy Commissioner | Connecticut Department of Transportation
Karen Kitsis, Deputy Commissioner | Connecticut Department of Transportation
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has scheduled a virtual public information meeting regarding the replacement of Bridge No. 00935 on Route 32 in Franklin. The session is set for Tuesday, April 15, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.
This meeting aims to offer the public and local community a platform to comment or inquire about the proposed project. Registration is necessary to participate in the Zoom event, which will include a question and answer session immediately after the presentation. For access details and ways to provide input, visit https://portal.ct.gov/DOTFranklin0052-0094.
Connecticut Department of Transportation Project Manager Isuf Vlashi stated, “The purpose of the project is to address the bridge’s deficiencies by replacing the bridge with one that meets current design standards.” He added that the new structure would align better with the roadway and accommodate speed limits.
Construction is expected to start in spring 2028, contingent on funding availability, rights-of-way acquisition, and permit approvals. The project's estimated cost stands at approximately $27.5 million, funded by 80% federal funds and 20% state funds.
For those without internet access, an option to listen via phone by calling (877) 853-5257 using Meeting ID 885 2496 3210 is available. Individuals with hearing or speech disabilities can use Telecommunications Relay Services by dialing 711. Additionally, those unable to access information online can request it by contacting Isuf Vlashi at Isuf.Vlashi@ct.gov or (860) 594-3389.
Language assistance requests can be made through CTDOT's Language Assistance Call Line at (860) 594-2109 at least five business days before the meeting. Assistance is provided free of charge.
The meeting will also be streamed live on CTDOT's YouTube channel without requiring registration. Non-English closed captioning will be available on both Zoom and YouTube platforms. Afterward, a recording will be posted in CTDOT's virtual public meetings archive.
Public comments are welcome during a two-week period following the meeting until April 29, 2025. Comments can be submitted via email at DOTProject0052-0094@ct.gov or Isuf.vlashi@ct.gov or by phone at (860) 594-2020 referencing Project No. 0052-0094.