Michael Donohue Senior Media Manager | Official Website
Michael Donohue Senior Media Manager | Official Website
NFIB in Connecticut recently hosted a webinar to discuss the My CT Savings program, a state-mandated retirement initiative. The event featured NFIB State Director Andy Markowski, Lisa Kidder from the My CT Savings program, and Matt Golden of VestWell State Savings, the program administrator. The program has been under consideration since 2008, with lawmakers deciding in 2016 to run it through the state Comptroller’s Office.
Small businesses with 5-25 employees must register for My CT Savings by March 30. Businesses that do not offer a retirement savings plan and have employees earning over $5,000 are required to participate. Lisa Kidder noted that the program is free for small business owners and enables them to facilitate employee savings into ROTH IRA accounts.
For inquiries about the program, there is a dedicated line at 1-833-811-7435. Additional resources include contacting State Director Andy Markowski or Grassroots Manager Julianna Rauf for policy and advocacy questions.
NFIB also encourages contacting legislators regarding issues such as restoring the pass-through entity tax credit and opposing minimum wage increases. Further discussions on Connecticut's paid family and medical leave updates will be held on April 25th with representatives from the CT Paid Leave Authority.